Cacao Unigene version 1.0

Unigene Details
Analysis Name Cacao Unigene version 1.0
Unigene Name v1.0
Software cap3 ([21-Dec-2007])
Source cacao_est_NCBI_041612.fasta
Date constructed 2021-05-08

This Unigene was constructed from 158,996 ESTs obtained from Genbank. Additional analysis for these contigs included BLAST searches against multiple protein databases to predict function, and identification of potential SSRs and SNPs.

Stats Number of reads: 136715
Number of contigs: 12530
Number of singlets: 28453
Organisms Theobroma cacao
Orignal EST sequences from NCBI (158,996 sequences) cacao_est_NCBI_041612.fasta
Filtered and trimmed EST sequences (136,715 sequences) T. cacao.trimmedESTs.fasta
Contigs from CAP3 assembly (12,530 contig sequences) T. cacao.cap.contigs
Ace file from CAP3 assembly T. cacao.cap.ace
SSRs found in contigs (with primer predictions) T. cacao_ssrReport.xls
SNPs predicted from contigs (with primer predictions) T. cacao_snpReport.xls

T. Cacao unigene v1.0 contigs blastx vs protein databases. Best hit reports in Excel
BLAST of contigs to UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot (973KB) T. cacao_blastx_Swiss-Prot.xlsx
BLAST of contigs to UniProtKB/TrEMBL (1.4MB) T. cacao_blastx_TrEMBL.xlsx
BLAST of contigs to TAIR10 Arabidopsis proteins (1.4MB) T. cacao_blastx_TAIR10.xlsx
BLAST of contigs to Prunus persica (peach) v1.0 proteins (963KB) T. cacao_blastx_peach.xlsx
BLAST of contigs to Vitis vinifera (grape) proteins (1.1MB) T. cacao_blastx_grape.xlsx
BLAST of contigs to Populus trichocarpa (poplar) v2.0 proteins (996KB) T. cacao_blastx_poplar.xlsx

