The SNP clustering algorithm implemented on this page is based upon the work of Smith et. al. (homepage).

Please upload your SNP data using the following format (tab-delimited):


Your data file should only contain data points (no header row). No template controls (NTC) are optional, as artifical points are added to the data set.
A sample data file can be downloaded here.

The results page is compatible with most major browsers, but is fully featured when using FireFox/Opera/Safari.

1) Data File to Upload:

2) Confidence Minimum: %

3)Single Plot Multiple Plots (5 plots will be generated from the confidence minimum to 100%)

TERMS OF USE: Input data files are deleted immediately after computation is complete. Raw results files will be deleted 24 hours after submission time.
Please do not put any personally identifying information in the sample name field of your data.

Here's a sample screenshot of the output after analysis: